Phone Calls & Email Policy

Phone Calls & Email Policy

Phone Consults & Emails

To speak with your Doctor, you will need to phone the centre and arrange a phone consultation.

To obtain a Medical Certificate ,Prescription, Referral, Letter after a phone consultation you must email the centre on first before we return your requested documents to ensure that we are sending to the correct patient and correct email address.

Email Policy

Appointments cannot be made via emails, nor will results be given out via email (unless the patient has already received the results from a doctor or nurse). This is stated on our website, and when these requests do come through, the patient is advised to please phone the practice for this information, thus allowing patient identifiers to be used before information released.

When patients request information be sent via email, they are warned of the privacy risks of their information being sent via unencrypted email, and their consent is obtained and documented. The email address of the patient is also documented. The use of delivery and read receipts are also used to ensure the document was received.

Third parties requesting information via emails must provide written consent from the patient. Information being sent to a third party may be sent via fax, post or email – depending on which is deemed the most secure and efficient method. For example, generic email addresses at large organisations are avoided, due to the number of employees with access to them. Referrals sent to the public hospitals are sent securely via Medical Objects.

All emails sent from any Total Health email address, have a disclaimer on the bottom stating:
“This message contains confidential information and is intended for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate or distribute a copy of this email. Please notify the sender immediately by email if you have received this email by mistake and delete this email from your system. The sender therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message, which arise as a result of email transmission.”

Work email addresses not intended for everyday use, are set up with an automatic reply advising any who use this address of other contact details they should use if it is an urgent matter. These automatic replies are also used when a manager is on leave for their individual work emails.